Saturday, July 27, 2024
HomenewsBoris Johnson condemns the 'torture and sadism' of Hamas as he visits...

Boris Johnson condemns the ‘torture and sadism’ of Hamas as he visits Israeli kibbutz where armed men slaughtered innocent civilians – adding ‘no one can doubt this was terror’ in apparent swipe at those refusing to call the atrocities a terrorist act

Boris Johnson last night spoke of his horror at the ‘evil’ of the Hamas attacks on Israel as he paid an emotional visit to the scene of one of the terrorist group’s bloodiest massacres.

Wearing body armour, the grim-faced former prime minister toured the horrifying aftermath of the Hamas assault on the Kfar Aza kibbutz, where Hamas terrorists slaughtered men, women and children indiscriminately on October 7.

Speaking afterwards, Mr Johnson took an apparent swipe at the BBC and others who have refused to call the Hamas atrocities a terrorist act.

‘No one looking at the charnel house of that kibbutz could be in any doubt that this was terror,’ he said.

Boris Johnson also seemed to take a swipe at the BBC for refusing to call Hamas terrorists Boris Johnson also seemed to take a swipe at the BBC for refusing to call Hamas terrorists

Boris Johnson also seemed to take a swipe at the BBC for refusing to call Hamas terrorists

Wearing body armour, the grim-faced former prime minister toured the horrifying aftermath of the Hamas assault Wearing body armour, the grim-faced former prime minister toured the horrifying aftermath of the Hamas assault

Wearing body armour, the grim-faced former prime minister toured the horrifying aftermath of the Hamas assault

‘This was witting evil – a systematic programme of torture and sadism that is in a different moral category from the actions of Israel’s troops.’

Mr Johnson also hit out at pro-Palestine demonstrators in the UK, warning ‘intentionally or otherwise those demonstrators are giving hope and comfort and support to the terrorists of Hamas’.

The visit was conducted under tight secrecy to protect the safety of Mr Johnson and former Australian PM Scott Morrison, who accompanied him.

After travelling to Jerusalem, they went south to the Kfar Aza kibbutz – just yards from the fence separating Israel from the three-mile buffer zone with Gaza.

They wore sombre expressions as they were shown the remains of bullet-ridden vehicles and toured a site where dozens of Israelis were slaughtered in their homes.

In a statement later, Mr Johnson urged people to remember the fate of Hamas’s victims as they debate Israel’s response in Gaza.

‘The Israelis are trying their best – even if they are not always succeeding – to keep civilians out of harm’s way,’ he said.

‘Hamas was and is trying to cause maximum harm to the innocent. I wish all those who are demonstrating against Israel could see what I have seen today.

Former UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson, center right, and former Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison, center left, visit kibbutz Kfar Azza, Israe Former UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson, center right, and former Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison, center left, visit kibbutz Kfar Azza, Israe

Former UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson, center right, and former Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison, center left, visit kibbutz Kfar Azza, Israe

Mr Johnson told GB News: ‘This was an orgy of brutality and torture against innocent people’ Mr Johnson told GB News: ‘This was an orgy of brutality and torture against innocent people’

Mr Johnson told GB News: ‘This was an orgy of brutality and torture against innocent people’

The terror group killed at least 1,400 people on October 7 in what was dubbed Israel's 9/11 The terror group killed at least 1,400 people on October 7 in what was dubbed Israel's 9/11

The terror group killed at least 1,400 people on October 7 in what was dubbed Israel’s 9/11

Some 20 or more residents are missing, with many feared to have been taken into Gaza by Hamas Some 20 or more residents are missing, with many feared to have been taken into Gaza by Hamas

Some 20 or more residents are missing, with many feared to have been taken into Gaza by Hamas

‘Intentionally or otherwise those demonstrators are giving hope and comfort and support to the terrorists of Hamas.

‘What I saw today showed above all why we need and will always need the state of Israel – a place where Jews can be safe.’ Reports suggest more than 100 residents were killed in the attack, including as many as 40 babies and children. Even babies were beheaded.

Some 20 or more residents are missing, with many feared to have been taken into Gaza by Hamas. Around 70 gunmen are thought to have broken through the kibbutz’s fence and used rocket-propelled grenades to destroy security posts and break into homes.

When the Israeli Defence Force regained control of the kibbutz they discovered a massacre of unspeakable depravity.

Several victims are reported to have been beheaded. One child had a knife driven into his skull.

Around 80 per cent of the victims are said to have showed signs of being tortured.

Mr Johnson told GB News: ‘This was an orgy of brutality and torture against innocent people.’

Boris JohnsonIsraelScott MorrisonHamasBBC

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