Prince Albert’s son Alexandre Grimaldi-Coste has berated his title of ‘illegitimate’ and revealed he’s ‘very close’ to his father and half-siblings.
The university student, who turns 20 this week, gave a tell-all interview to French magazine Point de Vue ahead of his birthday, where he described father Prince Albert of Monaco, 65, as ‘benevolent’ and said he considers himself ‘lucky’.
Alexandre mother is Nicole Coste, 52, a former Air France flight attendant from Togo.
Although he is Albert’s eldest son, he is not in the line of succession to the Monégasques throne as his parents were not married when he was born.
His father acknowledged his paternity as an infant, and despite growing up out of the spotlight he has increasingly come into the royal fold in recent years – and often spends time with his half-sister Jasmin Grimaldi, 31, whose mother is American waitress Tamara Rotolo, and his twin siblings Prince Jacques and Princess Gabriella, eight, who Albert shares with wife Princess Charlene.
Prince Albert’s son Alexandre Grimaldi-Coste (pictured) has berated his title of ‘illegitimate’ and revealed he’s ‘very close’ to his father and half-siblings (pictured with his mother and father)
The university student, who turns 20 this week, gave a tell-all interview to French magazine Point de Vue ahead of his birthday, where he described father Prince Albert of Monaco, 65, as ‘benevolent’ and said he considers himself ‘lucky’. He is pictured with his half-siblings Jazmin and Prince Jacques and Princess Gabriella
Alexandre gave an interview to tell-all interview to French magazine Point de Vue (pictured)
Since 2022, with his father’s encouragement, he has begun using his family’s name of Grimaldi (although kept his mother’s too, with the hyphenated with Grimaldi-Coste).
‘My father’s name is Grimaldi. It makes sense that I bear his name. I would have been called Dochomel if my father had been Mr. Dochomel!’ he told the magazine.’
He also hit back at being called ‘illegitimate’ complaining that online trolls question his legitimacy.
‘When I was born, neither of my parents were in another marriage, and they did not commit adultery. Using that word [illegitimate] is insulting! I hope no one believes the lies conveyed on the internet. One bears the name of one’s father when one has been recognised since birth. I had voluntary recognition from my father when I was a baby. Not from a judge or the press who have forced him to,’ he added.
Since 2022, with his father’s encouragement, he has began using his family’s name of Grimaldi (although kept his mother’s too, with the hyphenated with Grimaldi-Coste). Prince Albert is pictured with wife Charlene, and their children Jacques, Hereditary Prince of Monaco and Princess Gabriella
‘My mother, whom I adore is my rock, and she is not jealous at all of my choice. If she never said anything about my surname, it’s been to protect our privacy. I was two years old when I was revealed in the press.’
Alexandre, who studies Business Management and English, added that he lives with his mother and two older half-brothers from her previous marriage.
‘Jazmin is my big sister, and I love her like I love my two big brothers on my mother’s side,’ Alexandre added.
‘We all get along very well, and Jazmin is also very close to one of my two brothers with whom she shares the same birthday. We’ve a good relationship despite the fact that we live in distant countries.’
He also joked that he has a ‘tenderness’ with his younger siblings – but doesn’t ‘share their toys’ because of the age difference.
The royal has spent time with the Monegasque side of his family, and was recently pictured at his cousin, Louis Ducruet’s wedding.
Meanwhile, Princess Stephanie, his aunt, is also his godmother.
And despite his good looks, he said he has no plans to go into modelling, following his grandmother Grace Kelly’s footsteps.
‘My father is a prince and head of state — I personally cannot imagine myself marching on a podium.’
‘On the other hand, if a prestigious brand asks me to be its ambassador and its image suits me, why not?’