Brace yourselves: Argentina’s president Cristina Kirchner is on the political attack
By David Harding for the Daily Mail
Published: 18:59 BST, 28 August 2012 | Updated: 19:54 BST, 28 August 2012
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It has been several weeks since Argentina’s president Cristina Kirchner attacked Britain over Las Malvinas (the Falklands).
Brace yourselves – because there could be a fresh broadside heading this way at any moment.
Not necessarily because it is about time, given the regularity of her previous attacks, that Miss Kirchner launches yet another salvo.
In the past few months she has called Britain ‘arrogant’ and ‘a crude, colonial power in decline’. For good measure, she has also accused David Cameron of ‘mediocrity’ and ‘stupidity’.
No, her anti-British anger may be drawn by something much closer to Miss Kirchner’s heart than the fate of a set of windswept, rocky islands in the South Atlantic – her own popularity.
Under pressure: Argentine President Cristina Kirchner delivers a speech after a ceremony in Cochabamba, Bolivia
Miss Kirchner is a notoriously vain leader. She is long rumored to have had plastic surgery and once confessed to ‘painting myself like a door since I was 14’. So it is not hard to guess how aggrieved the ‘Botox Queen’ would have felt this weekend at the publication of opinion polls which showed her support nosediving among Argentinians.
In the past 12 months it has halved. In July and August alone it dropped 10 percentage points. Her support now stands at just 30 per cent. The slump, for a woman who won a general election with a majority that British leaders would dream of less than 12 months ago, is unprecedented in her career. Her name is fast becoming political poison.
Things are so bad that a visiting South African rugby player currently on tour in Argentina and who just happens to have the surname Kirchner has been warned that he may be booed by crowds for his name alone. He has even admitted wondering why his passport was given an extra-long examination at border control.
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The economy and crime seem to be the reasons for the president’s new-found unpopularity. An inflation rate reckoned privately to be somewhere near 20 per cent, rising unemployment, and its knock-on effect when it comes to social problems, have all led to Argentines turning their back on the 59-year-old widow.
Slumping popularity is bad news for any politician, but in Miss Kirchner’s case it is especially worrying. Her whole career has been based on popularism. So good has her relationship with the Argentine electorate been that she is on first name terms with millions and is known simply as ‘Cristina’. Her most fervent supporters are dubbed ‘Cristinistas’.
Inevitably compared to Eva Peron, Argentina’s immensely popular First Lady during the 1940s, Miss Kirchner has broad social appeal despite a solidly middle-class upbringing.
She trained as a lawyer after university, where she met her husband Nestor who was her predecessor as president. Cristina succeeded him in 2007, becoming Argentina first female leader. His death in 2010 only served to broaden her appeal amid an outpouring of national sympathy. She is seen in public mostly wearing ‘mourning black’ and is said to have over 200 black dresses in her wardrobe.
Her strength has been at playing to the crowd, championing causes bound to appeal to the electorate – such as constant criticisms of Britain and the Falklands.
The Falkland Islands: The territory has been strong political currency for Argentina’s president, and she may be about to deploy it again
She has constantly taken on Argentina’s privileged classes (though critics claim she is now the most privileged of all), allied herself to the ‘Mothers of the Disappeared’, the women whose children were stolen or killed by the military juntas of the 1970s, and addressed real-life issues such as bigger state pensions for the poorest.
Now, facing her biggest test of popularity, she has already reverted to populist type.
In the past few days she has announced her government will take over a Spanish oil company’s operations in Argentina.
And her rumblings on the Falklands have already begun.
Within the last few days she has praised the conduct of Argentine athletes at the London Olympics, and diplomatic efforts to get the Falklands back. She has also called on the ‘civilized world’ – by which she probably does not mean Britain – to give back to Argentina ‘our Malvinas’.
This may only be the start.
Desperate – and desperately unpopular – Argentine leaders have long used the Falklands to try and improve their standing among the people. The most tragic case of this was General Galtieri in 1982.
Kirchner may be many things but she is not, at least, the hapless junta chief.
Expect her courting of South American leaders to continue (though she probably won’t need to exert herself with Ecuador), and her attacks on Britain to go up a notch.
When an Argentinian leader is cornered, attacks on the UK are never too far away.