Whenever the armies of the righteously woke encounter someone who dares to dispute their world view, one...
Since 2020, the British state has spent unprecedented amounts. Indeed, until an eyeblink ago, unimaginable amounts. Taxes...
All the King’s horses and all the King’s spin-doctors. By ye olde alchemy of ceremonial bling and...
Some months ago, I was told by a well-connected source exactly how No 10 Downing Street would...
Britain’s sprint to net zero has dealt another hammer blow to the nation’s swiftly vanishing steel industry....
Are they just very stupid? Or are they so blinkered and self-centred that they cannot see how...
When I arranged to meet 50 close contacts of King Canute over a cappuccino in the highly...
More good news for Nigel Farage, who — it was reported last week — is being paid...
Headlines matter. A lot. And the one BBC News Online put on its report last week about...
The official Covid Inquiry has rapidly descended into yet another Whitehall farce. We already know the ending....