The tragedy of children condemned with drug addict parents
By Anna Smith for MailOnline Updated: 12:41 BST, 22 November 2012
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We cannot begin to imagine the final hours of little Declan Hainey.
We don’t know how long the toddler lay in the filthy squalor where he was abandoned by his heroin addict mother.
We can only assume he died a lonely, hungry, agonisingly slow death amid the stinking piles of debris and drug paraphanelia, while his mother sold his toys and clothes as he lay dead in his cot.
Shame: Kimberley Hainey murdered her 23-month-old son and concealed his death
It’s almost unthinkable that this level of neglect is part of the story of life in pockets of our country these days. But it is.
And today, as Kimberley Hainey, 37, the monster who gave Declan life, was sentenced to a minimum of 15 years in jail for his murder, we, as a society should draw a line in the sand.
No child should be condemned to this life of misery because they were brought into the world by a hopeless drug addict.
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And if ever there is a cast iron case for a total re-think of drug addicts being allowed to keep their children, then it is this tragic murder of a 15-months-old Scottish toddler.
The poor little boy lay starving, in urine soaked nappies and filth while his mother pretended he was alive and carried on with her pathetic life.
For eight months between 2009 and 2010, she concealed his death and told neighbours he had gone to live with an aunt.
It was only when her parents finally went to the house that they discovered his mummified body in his cot.
The day before she was sentenced, the Crown Office in Scotland took the unusual step of revealing the shocking pictures of the house where Declan died.
They are among the most sickening images of we will ever see of the squalid pit where Declan was imprisoned in the months before his death.
While Hainey went out selling his clothes and toys, Declan lay for hours alone, amid the empty cider bottles and lager cans, putrid milk carton, half-eaten food, and discarded takeaway boxes.
A tiny coat still with the label still on it lay among the piles of rubbish.
Hainey was supposed to be off drugs – but the pictures tell a different story.
Next to the filth-strewn sofa, is a pile of used drugs paraphernalia, tin foil and a lighter.
And in the midst of all the squalor, a poignant reminder of what his life should have been for Declan – family snaps on the wall, a Christmas card including one which read ‘For a Special Grandson’.
As she was sentenced at the High Court in Glasgow, for murder and concealment of her son’s body, Lord Woolman told her: “Declan’s first birthday took place in April 2009, he appeared to have all his life in front of him.
Rubbish strewn cot: Declan Hainey’s bed filled with waste including empty bottles of Irn-Bru, 3 Hammers cider, Lucozade, viodka and crisp packets
“He was surrounded by a loving family and people thought you were a loving mother . A few months later he was dead.”
Now we learn that the Crown Office are considering a Fatal Accident Inquiry into Declan’s death.
So they should be. If they don’t have one, there out to be a public outcry asking why.
The cause of Declan’s death is not known, but he is said to have last been seen when he was 15 months old. His body was discovered in March 2010, when he would have been 23 months old.
Previous 1 Next Inside the house of squalor where body of murdered toddler was left to rot in cot for EIGHT MONTHS
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We have a right to know the details of how in this day and age a child can be left dead for eight months and nobody intervened.
During the trial we heard various reasons why Hainey’s life descended into the spiral of decay and drugs.
Post natal depression was one that was offered in court.
But that is not the issue here.
The trial was told she had been put on a methadone programme but was signed off after social workers said she and Declan were doing well.
Declan was last seen alive aged 15 months. His body was discovered in March 2010, when he would have been 23 months old
But Hainey then refused to co-operate with her drugs counsellor and made excuses over why no one could see the boy.
Why weren’t social workers breaking down her door?
How she came to be the kind of mother who abandoned her baby is anybody’s guess.
The issue, is where was the safety net that is supposed to save children like Hainey from a fate like this?
Time and again, our front pages scream outraged headlines when another toddler or child has been left to die.
And as inquiries and court cases unravel, we continually find that social workers were involved, but either missed the signs, or were too overworked.
But the bottom line is this.
Declan’s clothes and toys can be seen amongst the squalor of the house in which he tragically died
How many more children have to die before the policy is changed not to give drug addict parents their children?
Just three years ago in Dundee, we had the tragic case of little Brandon Cunningham beaten stamped on by Robert Cunningham, the evil boyfriend of drug addict Heather Boyd. She had been selling her body for heroin the night her 23-month-old son died at the hands of her drug addict boyfriend.
The court heard that duodenum – part of the small intestine – was pressed against his spine until it burst.
We heard how doctors found at least 40 injuries on Brandon, including bruising and four fractured ribs.
Social workers had missed the warning signs, health visitors doctors failed to detect them.
In cases like this, there is always a knee jerk reaction asking where were the support teams.
Of course in the case of Brandon and Declan they utterly failed in their job, and their failure led to the deaths of two beautiful little boys.
It’s not more social workers we need to cope with the rise of child neglect through drugs and deprivation.
It’s a fundamental change in policy towards drug addicts and their children.
During years as a frontline reporter in Glasgow I worked on drugs investigation and spent time with families.
I have seen at first hand, young mothers swallowed up by the scourge of heroin, being backed by social workers because they want to keep families together.
Of course, somewhere in a drug addicts fuddled mind they will want to keep their children.
But the fact is, a heroin addict stumbles through each day shoplifting or working as a prostitute to feed their habit.
Making enough money for drugs is their first priority – not their child.
I once went to a house where the prostitute heroin addict mother was selling sex for a fiver a time, to get enough money to get her portable TV back because she was getting her little girl for the weekend. She had given the television to her drug dealer to pay off some of her drug debts. She was living in squalor, yet social workers wanted to keep the family together.
Drug addiction trumps all other desires- including the desire to care for a child
I have no doubt the woman loved her toddler. But she loved heroin more.
When are we going to realise allowing drug addict parents to keep their children just doesn’t work?
It will never work.
A drug addict will sell everything to get their next fix. They will steal from their parents, sell the furniture – they will sell their child if it comes to it.
And as is tragically obvious from Hainey’s case, they will leave their child to die, because drug addicts are not thinking on any rational level.
We continually hear of people turned down for adoption because they are too fat, too old, the wrong race.
Yet social workers who make decisions that don’t just change lives but that can actually save lives or condemn a child to death, just don’t see it, that a child would have a better chance if it was taken away from drug addict parents.
If a drug addict was clear of drugs for three years, then perhaps they deserve the chance of restricted, supervised access to their child.
We cannot keep taking chances with children’s lives by prioritising the need for a family to be together.
The child is the only priority here.