Christmas and the Media…

Christmas in the media, that’s the subject of this evening’s “Talking Points Memo.”

Only one newspaper in the USA has been sympathetic to our reporting on the national trend away from acknowledging Christmas. One. That paper is The Ventura County Star in California. Every other newspaper has either ignored the subject or criticized us for even bringing it up.

Once again, “Talking Points” believes that the public holiday of Christmas deserves respect and attempts diminish the holiday by refusing to say `Merry Christmas’ or restricting Christmas traditions are wrong.

The print press has largely distorted the issue, for example. The Charleston Gazette in West Virginia says, “Those who perceive in `Happy Holidays’ a war against Christmas should be ashamed.'”

Of course, this is not about happy holidays. This is about corporations ordering employees not to display Christmas material or even say the word `Christmas’. This is about the ACLU suing over manger displays.

A common tactic in the print is to say the entire controversy is a work of fanatical Christians. The far left Madison, Wisconsin Capitol Times, The Tacoma News Tribune, the far left Atlanta Journal-Constitution, and the liberal Philadelphia Inquirer have all done that, misleading readers into thinking only committed Christians are offended by Christmas exclusions, when the truth, according to polls, is that almost half the country is angry.

The Columbus, Georgia Ledger-Enquirer has been especially nasty about the controversy. This Knight-Ridder newspaper does not reflect its community and really needs to wise up.

The usual committed left wing ideologues like columnist Ellen Goodman, Bill Press, Nicholas Kristof are very worried about the Christmas deal, largely because the secular movement is getting its butt kicked. All over the USA, Christmas is back, thanks to you, citizens who have had enough.

Even on this work, secularists have attacked.


NEAL GABLER: It’s the elephant in the room. It’s FOX News. Come on, it’s O’Reilly, it’s Hannity, it’s Gibson. They’re demagogues who realize that at Christmastime, you can rebel – you can rouse the masses.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Wait, just a minute.

GABLER: …on this issue.


O’REILLY: Now we asked Neal Gabler to explain his demagogue remark on “The Factor” but he is hiding under his holiday tree. Gabler needs to see the wizard about some courage. It worked for the lion.

The fascinating part about this story is how wide the gulf is between the U.S. media and the American people. When only one newspaper understands the disrespect that’s in the air, there’s a huge problem.

Twenty years ago, there was no Christmas controversy. Back then, saying `Merry Christmas’ was the accepted greeting of the season. That is not true any longer.

The secularists may be retreating now, but they have made large gains thanks to the overwhelming support of the American people. And that’s “The Memo.”

The Most Ridiculous Item of the Day

A quick update of stores and their Christmas advertising policies.

Apparently the only large chain that still will not mention Christmas in advertising is Wal-Mart. Sears/Kmart and now Kohl’s have both caved in. Christmas is back in those places.

But Wal-Mart says its employees are free to use any holiday greeting they want, but they’re going to stick with their “Home for the Holidays” theme.

Ridiculous? Up to you.

—You can catch Bill O’Reilly’s “Talking Points Memo” and “Most Ridiculous Item” weeknights at 8 and 11 p.m. ET on the FOX News Channel. Send your comments to:

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