Dozens of car tyres were mysteriously slashed in a small town in Surrey near to where a popular bonfire night was held amid an alleged row over parking.
Photographs show the cars parked in Brockham village with punctured or even missing tyres – with up to 100 vehicles allegedly slashed yesterday evening.
On a Facebook group chat for the village, locals reported people parking over drives, items being stolen from front gardens and empty cans of beer being left around during the bonfire event.
One anonymous comment complaining about people blocking residents’ driveways with their cars sparked a Facebook row, with people accusing angry locals of slashing the tyres.
The anonymous post read: ‘This bonfire has just got out of control, it should be ltd tickets only, it makes local residents sick of items being stolen from their front gardens, parking over drives, emptying cans of beer, noise.’
One person replied: ‘Was it you angry anonymous of Brockham who wandered past my house and slashed us in temper then?!? Man up and introduce yourself.’
Dozens of car tyres were slashed in a small town in Surrey near to where a popular bonfire night was held amid an alleged row over parking last night
Photographs show the cars parked in Brockham village with punctured or even missing tyres – with up to 100 vehicles allegedly slashed yesterday evening
On a Facebook group chat for the village, locals reported people parking over drives, items being stolen from front gardens and empty cans of beer being left around
Photographs show cars with slashed or even missing tyres
One Facebook user said police have asked people to check their tyres as somebody has been going around slashing them
An anonymous comment complaining about people blocking residents’ driveways with their cars sparked a Facebook row, with people accusing angry locals of slashing the tyres
One person replied: ‘Was it you angry anonymous of Brockham who wandered past my house and slashed us in temper then?!? Man up and introduce yourself’
Photos show multiple vehicles in the village with slashed tyres
Another said: ‘I thought this too… makes you wonder. All these keyboard warriors against the parking and lovely opportunities in the village.’
They added: ‘Obviously this is very sad what has happened but it doesn’t mean we can’t enjoy life, events and activities in the village as a community.’
A third person wrote: ‘It’s so awful. I used to live down your road. Just hopefully someone will have some kind of video evidence.’
Another Facebook user said police have asked people to check their tyres as somebody has been going around slashing them.
Other locals complained about the noise caused by the event, with one saying: ‘I am sure the fireworks gave a lot of pleasure to a lot of people – but do you have to use the ones that make SUCH a loud noise?
‘My cats are absolutely terrified – this is a national park with a lot of wildlife, not to mention many farm animals, as well as cats and dogs.’
MailOnline has contacted Surrey Police for more information.