Although many would like to believe their DIY inventions are worthy of praise, some of them range from the ingeniously creative to down right ridiculous.
Bored Panda has compiled photos from around the world showing people’s shocking attempts at fixing – and sometimes ruining – household items.
While one creative person doubled a gun as a toilet roll holder, another person replaced a bathroom tap with an edible carrot.
Meanwhile one individual waged a war against a pesky rat running loose in their home.
Instead of calling pest control, they opted for a homemade invention, fully complete with a plank, slice of banana and a bucket.
Originally posted to US forum Reddit, this unusual invention uses an edible carrot as a tap top
If you’re already in stitches, scroll down because some of these DIY fails gets even more bizarre.
It seems one person adapted an entire motorcycle by attaching a piece of tree bark to its core. Although we’re not sure if it actually works. Scroll down for more….
That works? One creative person doubled a gun as a toilet roll holder in their bathroom
These DIYers have waged a war against a pesky rat running loose in their home, even though their son ‘begged’ them to call pest control
They say the mind is a terrible thing to waste! This construction worker is protecting his mind at all costs
Screwed over! Bored Panda has compiled photos from around the world showing people’s shocking attempts at fixing – and sometimes ruining- household items (Pictured: Who needs an electric screwdrivers when you have a screwdriver at home?)
If you’ve overeaten at lunch or you’re just not ready to splash out on a new pair of jeans, then this invention is just for you
Possibly a playful water gun or homemade laundry detergent? Either way it’s pretty cool
Posted to US forum Reddit, one creative person used a tree branch to fix (or ruin) a motorcycle
Original! You’ll never have to worry about finding a bathroom ever again with this invention
Genius! Dubbing themselves #thatweirdCanadian, this social media user couldn’t find their headphones, so instead they used a stethoscope to listen to iTunes