Some months ago, I was told by a well-connected source exactly how No 10 Downing Street would react to the publication of my book. And when I say No 10, I don’t mean our Prime Minister, Rishi Sunak.
If you have been following the Mail’s serialisation of The Plot: The Political Assassination Of Boris Johnson, you will know that I mean the people who control the Conservative Party, deciding who becomes an MP or a minister and who is allowed to become — and to remain — prime minister.
The people who have run the Government for many years: Michael Gove, Dougie Smith, Dominic Cummings and ‘Dr No’, a necessary pseudonym to circumnavigate the onerous libel laws we have in this country.
There are others named in The Plot, but let’s stick to the ringleaders.
It was over lunch, as he sprinkled salt on to his buttered bread, that my source said: ‘The first thing they are going to say is ‘it’s fiction’. That you are a prolific novelist who has sold lots of books, and they will make out it’s a fantasy and that you are a conspiracy theorist.
‘The people who have run the Government for many years: Michael Gove, Dougie Smith, Dominic Cummings and ‘Dr No’,’ writes Nadine Dorries
‘I was told by a well-connected source exactly how No 10 Downing Street would react to the publication of my book. And when I say No 10, I don’t mean our Prime Minister, Rishi Sunak’
The Mail is serialising Mail’s Nadine Dorries’ new book ‘The Plot: The Political Assassination Of Boris Johnson ‘
‘Those guys, they really know how to go for women.’
Anyone who listened to the evidence given by Cummings at the Covid Inquiry last week, or saw the vile and abusive WhatsApp messages he exchanged with his protege, Lee Cain, can have no doubt about that last observation.
They slated senior civil servant Helen MacNamara for doing her job, even calling for her to be led out of No 10 ‘in handcuffs’ if necessary.
The least offensive message between these two charmers read: ‘I don’t care how it’s done, but that woman must be out of our hair.’
Two men with zero self-awareness — both of them as bald as coots!
But I digress: my source was spot on.
The first hint of that came, I believe, in response to my account of Michael Gove begging the then prime minister, David Cameron, to allow him to keep Dominic Cummings in his team when he made Gove Education Secretary in 2010.
Cameron disliked Cummings, and his departure was a condition of Gove’s appointment. But Gove pleaded that he couldn’t do the job without Cummings by his side, and Cameron eventually relented.
READ MORE: Sex parties and the ruthless Tory clique who secretly make – and then break – Prime Ministers
At the weekend, sources ‘close to Gove’ commented: ‘Nadine is a very talented best-selling fiction author.’
You bet I am, Michael — thank you! But David Cameron isn’t.
It was someone working in No 10 at the time who told me the story initially. But that wasn’t enough for lawyers working for my publisher, HarperCollins.
So I found a second source, someone who was a whip at the time. But still that wasn’t enough for my learned friends.
‘Find another source,’ they told me. And so I did. It was confirmed by Cameron himself, in his memoir, For The Record, in which he writes about this interlude.
Yes, I am a novelist and I am very proud of that. But my new book is one hundred per cent factual — although how I wish that it were fiction. The story it tells isn’t mine. It is based on the words of more than 50 people who spoke to me: former prime ministers, Cabinet ministers, past and present party chairs and grandees, civil servants of all levels of seniority and many others.
It’s time to drain the sewer of MPs, aides, and secret officials who corrupt democracy
It is their shocking testimony that The Plot details. Fact really is stranger than fiction.
Much as Gove, Cummings and the rest would love to make out that The Plot is a fantasy, I can tell you its publication was delayed due to the fact that every word was stress-tested by my publisher’s in-house lawyers, as well as by external counsel in chambers.
All 140,000 words were dissected and then, in order for 10,000 of those words to be serialised in this paper, they had to pass through the additional filter of the Daily Mail’s lawyers.
People have told me it is the most ‘legalled’ book since Spycatcher, the 1987 account by former MI5 agent Peter Wright about traitors in the ranks of the secret services which the government of the day didn’t want the public to read.
The dismissive comments from ‘sources close to Gove’ about the claims in my book, and Cummings’s own response — dripping with sarcasm, he said: ‘[Nadine’s] right: there was a giant conspiracy including MI6, the CIA and . . . the KGB Special Operations Department’ — are designed to make you, the reader, doubt its veracity and minimise its impact.
With a non-denial of the facts, they are seeking to control the narrative around the book. Of course, you may ask, do the revelations it contains matter? Does it matter that the Conservative Party has been controlled by a small clique of very powerful men for two decades or more?
Does it matter that they can make or break prime ministers? Or that MPs use the services of prostitutes while others watch and cheer them on.
‘People have told me it is the most ‘legalled’ book since Spycatcher, the 1987 account by former MI5 agent Peter Wright about traitors in the ranks of the secret services’
Nadine Dorries with Boris Johnson on his last day in Downing Street
Or that some MPs are accused of being rapists and yet their behaviour is covered up?
Of course it matters, because the people who vote for us at the very least expect us to maintain certain values and standards of behaviour. We are supposed to lead the country to a better place — not into the gutter.
Some of my critics have tried to claim that I knew about the unlawful sexual behaviour in Westminster and kept it for my book instead of alerting the authorities.
Let me be clear: everything I have recorded in the book I found out about after the police had already been informed.
There are many good MPs in the Tory Party who, like me, are aligned to true Conservative values: to promoting opportunity and aspiration; to low taxes, a small state and the freedom to live your life as you choose within the constraints of the law.
It gives me no pleasure to reveal these stories about the party I love. In fact, I hate it, but we have lost our way.
I know there are plenty of my former colleagues at Westminster who will think I have betrayed the party, but we were already sleepwalking into electoral disaster.
And the truth is that Dominic Cummings’s crackpot destructiveness, Michael Gove’s endless, labyrinthine plotting and Dougie Smith’s sinister control at the heart of the party machine is a disaster far greater than any I could ever inflict.
They say you should never wash your dirty linen in public, but by the same token, if you can’t walk into the stables without getting up to your knees in filth, then the only thing to do is turn on the taps and flush it out.
As a party, we have reached the point of implosion because those who have been running it for many years have created nothing but disharmony and chaos through their lies and manipulation and plotting. My book reveals how they did this and when Conservative MPs read it, I think they will agree with me.
We may have the majority to govern, courtesy of former prime minister Boris Johnson, but we no longer have the moral authority.
It’s time to drain the sewer of MPs, aides and the secret and powerful party officials who are not truly Conservative, who corrupt the heart of our democracy.
It’s over for my party, for now. And it’s high time it was over for them, too.